Spam Removal & Blocking

Spam Removal and Blocking


The bane of everyone’s digital life!

Did you know it is estimated that nearly 70% of all internet email traffic is spam - This equates to 23.5 BILLION messages a day!

We cannot necessarily get rid of ALL spam because spam is in the eye of the beholder and often related to what you want and have signed-up for, so for example, you may have signed-up to 'knitters weekly' to get free knitting patterns, so would it be spam if you then started to receive email trying to sell you knitting needles?





Prevention and cure to this problem is very similar in nature and resolution to our advice and services offered in Spyware & Malware Removal AND Virus Protection Systems.

In fact Spam removal, blocking and prevention is often ‘integrated’ into the types of services you get with Virus protection systems – so if you have a Server we can offer solutions that protect you at the highest level often the first / second entry pointy into your network.

If you have a Peer-to-Peer networking system – We can offer you software solutions to suit your needs.

We can give you a ‘FREE OF CHARGE’ complimentary consultation to see where we can help you.
